If you are reading this, I can only assume that you are suffering from the condition called Folliculitis. You are probably all too aware of what it feels like to have red itchy skin and the embarrassment involved in appearing in public with the unsightly rash on your neck. You know that scratching does not solve the problem!

With no folliculitis treatment, sufferers become vulnerable to other bacterial infections, compounding the issue with a host of other problems. But do not despair! With a bit of luck, you have found this site before your folliculitis gets worse and much more severe.

“This Condition Was Making My Life a Living Hell, Bringing my Self-Esteem to the ground, and Ruining my Life”

These are the words of Michael Stone, who suffered from Hot Tub Folliculitis for a considerable time, constantly itching and red faced. Almost every night he would wake up and scratch until he had drawn blood. What is more, he did not escape the bullying that is so prevalent in society today, lowering his self esteem even further.

The initial diagnosis was very dry skin, with a moisturizer as the prescribed treatment. Although the itching subsided at first, it soon returned, along with an increase in the amount of bullying. Nothing seemed to work!

And then…..

Whilst holidaying in Africa, he visited a local market and spotted a stall devoted to Natural Cures. With nothing to lose, he asked the elderly woman stallholder for advice on his condition. The advice and instructions she gave him had immediate and astonishing results. Within 24 hours the itching and redness had begun to disappear!

To cut a long story short, after lengthy, persistent persuasion she agreed to let him have the recipe for this treatment. Not only did it cure his folliculitis, but it restored his self-esteem and gave him his life back.

A folliculitis free life!

You can now do the same! The guide that has been compiled has been used by many folliculitis sufferers with positive results.

This unique, step by step guide will show you how to soothe, cure and prevent folliculitis.

The guide will show you:

How to eliminate Folliculitis without resorting to medication

• How to stop the itching

How to get rid of dry skin

• How to focus on the root of the problem rather than the symptoms

How to look healthy again

• What the causes of Folliculitis are

And much more!

This guide is VITAL for your treatment of folliculitis , and preventing the development of a more severe problem!

Click Here For The Essential Folliculitis Treatment Guide

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Pityrosporum Folliculitis

Pityrosporum folliculitis is a fungal condition in which the yeast, pityrosporum, invades the hair follicles and multiplies, causing an itchy flare-up, similar to acne. In fact, pityrosporum folliculitis can sometimes be identified mistakenly for acne, which can be devastating, since the treatments for acne serve only to feed the fungi, thus increasing its power and severity.

Pityrosporum , also known as malassezia, is present naturally on the skin, so hygiene and cleanliness are not contributory factors to its existence. It occurs most frequently in teenagers and men, with a tendency to appear on the upper body, chest and back.

Because pityrosporum is already present on the skin, there are no authoritative explanations as to how or why this problem arises. However, the following are a few common factors displayed by those that suffer from pityrosporum folliculitis.

  • Hot, humid, sweaty environments in which the yeast flourishes.
  • Tight clothing, not allowing the body to breathe.
  • Application of greasy sunscreens and oils.
  • Oily skin.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • Stress or fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Oral steroids such as prednisone
  • Oral contraceptive pill
  • Overweight, resulting in more sweating and tighter clothing.

Taking antibiotics kills the bacteria on the skin which then leaves the pityrosporum unchecked and free to multiply and invade. For women, taking the oral contraceptive will increase the chances of suffering from pityrosporum folliculitis.

Pityrosporum folliculitis does not look as bad as standard folliculitis or hot tub folliculitis, but the itching can be a lot worse. It will typically begin with a rash which manifests as bumpy or rough skin with a mild itch. A few whiteheads may also appear. If not treated, the itching will become more severe, exacerbated by sweating or hot showers. If the rash is scratched, it can flare-up into stinging red blotches.

It is essential to treat both the fungi and also the circumstances in which the problem thrives in the first place. If the causative factors are not addressed, the condition will remain, resulting in scarring and persistent discomfort.

Pityrosporum folliculitis treatment consists of two options - oral and topical medications. Oral medications, such as Nizoral, are probably the most effective, but the chance of a recurrence of the problem is high. Topical treatments, applied to the skin directly, include anti-dandruff shampoo and anti-fungal cream.

Click Here For Your Natural Folliculitis Treatment

Friday, 20 January 2012

Folliculitis Barbae – Folliculitis After Shaving

There are different types of folliculitis that may arise as a result of shaving.

Tinea Barbae is a form of folliculitis that is caused by a fungus in the area of the beard, which shows as itchy white bumps, frequently surrounded by red skin.

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae is inflammation of the hair follicles of the beard when hairs curve back into the skin following shaving.

In some instances, the hair follicle can become infected with the staphylococcus aureus bacteria, gaining access through a shaving cut.

Depending on the cause, folliculitis symptoms may vary. The most frequent symptoms being a rash, white bumps, itching, pimples and pustules.

Treatments may also vary. Relief may occur following application of a hot and moist compress to the affected area several times a day, which may help the drainage of the hair follicles. Antibiotics in cream form or taken orally may also be an option, as well as anti-fungal medications to control the infection.

Obviously, prevention is the better option. Avoid shaving if possible, or at least use a clean razor or use an electric version. Loose fitting clothes should be worn around recently shaven parts of the body. Do not share towels, and wash them after each use.

Folliculitis generally responds to treatment, but drugs are not the preferred choice for many people these days.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Bacterial Folliculitis

Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles that is caused by exposure to a virus, fungi or by bacteria accessing the skin. This bacterial infection can either be superficial folliculitis or deep folliculitis affecting the whole hair follicle. If the condition does not resolve itself quickly, a visit to the doctor is advisable.

Bacterial folliculitis symptoms vary between individuals, depending upon the severity of the infection. If the infection is superficial, red bumps appear at the hair follicle, with the surrounding area becoming inflamed. In some cases, these bumps can become pus-filled blisters. In the deeper forms of the infection, large areas of infection form under the skin surface. These deep pustules can crust over at the surface as well as causing pain.

If the hair follicles are damaged, bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus may gain entrance and instigate the infection. Typical causes of follicle damage include friction from shaving and existing skin conditions such as acne. Risk of infection can be increased due to old age, weak immune system or obesity.

In order to make a proper diagnosis, a visit to the doctor is important.  A culture from the pus may be needed to identify the correct antibiotic treatment. This can come in either pill form or a topical cream to apply to the skin.

Unfortunately, complications such as hair loss or cellulitis may occur in some instances, so prevention of a bacterial infection should be the way forward.

Antibiotics are not the preferred choice for many people these days, with many choosing the more natural approach to treatment.

Discover More About Natural Folliculitis Treatment Here